Well what a miserable lot of weather! I guess there must be some truth in what they say when it rains on St Swithins day then eh? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come back summer - I miss you! ;)) I mean summer is supposed to be... well summery isn't it? I mean having to go in long trousers isn't on! Its July!
Oh thanks for all your good wishes about my Harry, she's now back home and my purse is much much lighter! Just as pay back she's now Bitey Britches formally known as her Ladyship Harry! So what with her and her Highness Princess Nippy Knickers yours truly is well under attack!
Still looking at all your lovely entries last week cheered me up no end! Gosh you are clever. I really love to see how you interpret the themes I choose. Its really lovely to see what you come up with. Thanks very much for sharing them with us, I know the Gorjussettes enjoy looking too.
So who is the lucky winner of that beautiful ribbon from Fantastic Ribbon Well the RPT was a bit rusty (all the rain you know) but he eventually got going and picked Uma Email me your details and I'll get it off to you.
So this week we'd like to see Baby as your theme. Now this can be a birth card, baby's first birthday, christening anything for a baby! Once more the Gorjussettes have come up trumps - these girls are so clever! This week we're sponsored by Meyer Imports a spot of glittery stuff never goes amiss does it?
Oh and a big big thanks to Debs, this is her last week with us. Your cards have been fantastic Debs - its been a pleasure to work with you.

So there you go - sweet huh?
Entry is via Mr Linky who does seem to be behaving himself of late - please don't let me jinx him!
Link to your entry and not your entire blog!