Saturday, 27 July 2013

Challenge 194 - Christmas in July!

Howdy there peeps!

Just looking out of my window and there's no sun!  Just grey clouds.... according to the weatherman summer maybe over!  Yipes lots of rain and thunder are on the cards... BOOHOO!!!  I bet all the folks who moaned about it being too hot still won't be happy....

Thanks to our players from last week, the RPT has done his stuff and he's chosen Julie  Please email me with the challenge number in the title line.

So I thought we'd have a full circle with weather and go for Christmas in July!  It is only 5 months away folks...  This week we have a double whammy winner week!  Our kind sponsors are the super duper Ribbon Girls  and the fabulous Saturated Canary  Some of the Gorjussettes are showcasing some of Kristas lovely Chritmassy designs.

So are you ready?

So I hope they've not made you feel too wintery!

As always please remember the roolz!

This weeks wintery treats

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Saturday, 20 July 2013

Challenge 193 - Furtastic!

Well howdy there peeps - the sun has still got his hat on!  Though I have to say here he's putting in a later appearance!  Still lovely and warm though.  I hope you're all looking after yourselves and not getting burnt!

Thanks to our players from last week - your calorie free sweet treats were much appreciated ;)  The RPT has done his stuff and he's chosen Dawn meringue and cream!  Yummy.... please email me with the challenge number in the title line.

So onto this weeks challenge, not much fun for the wearers I have to say but this week we're going Fur-tastic!  We'd love to see some fur on your creations folks, this week we're kindly sponsored by that fabulous den of crafty goodies and tips Heathers Hobbie Haven  One lucky winner will get $10 for online treats.

So before we melt (in our fur coats) lets see what the Gorjussettes have come up with;


So there you go fab huh?  So lets see some fur folks, the best kind is on cards!

As always please remember the roolz!


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Saturday, 13 July 2013

Challenge 192 - Sweet!

Well its still summer!  ~whispers~ I know a whole week!  Beautiful sunshine, clear skies - absolutely lovely!  Now ask me how many people have been grumbling about the sun?  I know it seems that we Brits are never happy with the weather!  Me though will take all the sun you throw at me.  Mind you my kitties aren't quite so keen, I suppose I wouldn't be if I had a fur coat on lol  So please make sure all your pets have access to a shaded area and plenty of clean water to drink.  Oh and never ever ever ever leave them locked in your car!

Right so onto last weeks winner - the RPT was not impressed I have to say.  He'd just got comfy with a cool drink on a sun lounger.... but he's done his stuff and he's chosen Rhani - please email me withthe challenge number in the title.

Right onto this weeks theme (easy as always!)  Lets see something sweet on your creations - so sweet edibles or just plain old sweet looking - said it was easy!  Our super sweet sponsor this week are the fabulous Crafters Companion  Oh and check out their blog - Sara has some super sweet news too!  Congratulations to you Sara from all the Gorjussettes!

So onto some inspiration;


So how fabulous huh?

As always please remember the roolz!


This weeks sweet treats!

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Saturday, 6 July 2013

Challenge 191 - Anything goes with circles

The sun has finally got his hat on!  And its about time I reckon, personally I thought he'd got sewn into his rain coat!  We've a glorious day of sunshine forecast... ahhh!  I hope you've all got the weathe you like.

So thanks for stopping by to play last week - some lovely creations - thanks so much makes doing the challenge worthwhile!  I've had to drag the RPT out of the garden, cheeky thing was settled down for a session of basking!  So he's done his stuff and he's chosen Christine  Please email me with the challenge number in the title line.

So onto this weeks challenge its 'Anything goes with circles' so any theme you wish but lets see some circles!

I've a bit of news too, this week we're joined by a new Gorjussette!  The fabulous Marie has come to play with the Gorjussettes!  You can see her first creation further down.

So ready?

So there you go - fantasticiloshus!

As always please remember the roolz - if you don't you won't win ;)


This weeks players

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