Saturday 29 January 2011

Challenge 65 - As YOU like it

Well good evening! OK I know its probably not evening when you're reading this... but I haven't been to bed yet today therefore its evening to me! Hey in my world that seems perfectly logical... can you remember my hair colour? Yup.... blonde! Well its decidedly chilly here again, at least there's none of that nasty white stuff, cold is nasty but better than that.

So HUGE thanks to all of you who came to play and made us feel hot! I needed shades on when I checked out some of the entries - thanks so much for sharing them with us. So who did the RPT pick? He did his usual chugging and grumbling but I just ignore him! Anyway he picked Joynana Email me your details with the challenge number in the title and I'll sort your prize out.

So what would the Gorjussettes and me like from you this week? Well what with me being all heart..... I thought someone nice and easy... OK they're all easy but super easy! So this week its as YOU like it. So what do you like? Well that's what we want to see;)) Our sponsor this week is the super duper Fantastic Ribbon They have more ribbon than you can poke a stick at! And trust me its so lush you'll want to wrap yourself in it...or is that just me???

Enough of my habits! Here's the inspiration from the fabulous Gorjussettes;

Super gift set including a book mark

So wow huh? So that's what we like we'd love to see what you like too. Remember there's ribbon on offer! How much more of an incentive do you want?

So please enter via good old Mr Linky and link to your entry and not your blog, no backdating and new stuff only, link to back to us here too.

Pop along and leave a bit of lurve for the Gorjussettes if you can ;)) they'd love it.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Challenge 64 - hot hot hot!

Howdy there folks! All I can say is BRRR!!! Well you know me and you know I can say a lot more than that! We've had some lovely sunny days this week but its been cold! Still I'd rather that than that nasty white stuff or the wet stuff. Bring on the sun I say, ideally about 70 or 75 degrees warmer too..... Oh the feel of the sun, cool drink in your hand soft white sand and warm sea.... Ooh I felt a cold draught then - that snapped me out of my dream!

Well a big thank you from me and the Gorjussettes for all those cuddles last week! How lovely. The Random Picky Thing worked hard on all the names, he chugged a bit and picked Nana email me your details and include the challenge number in the title please.

So this week to add to our sunshine, I hope you have it too. Unless of course you actually like rain and snow.... odd but I know my friend does.... We'd like to see something hot on your card! So lets see those hot colours! This week we're kindly sponsored by Crafters Companion The lucky winner will receive £10 to spend in their on line store - they definitely have something for everyone!

Got your shades ready? These are bobby dazzlers! Oh that means really good for any non Brits!

OK you can take your shades off now ;))

So are you feeling hot? So share with us! Please enter new work only with our old buddy Mr Linky. Please link back to us from your entry too please.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Challenge 63 - Cuddly!

Wayhey there folks! I'm guessing you're all settled into 2011 by now? So did you all make some resolutions for the New Year? You know all the usual culprits like a diet, less stash shopping (very drastic in my opinion!), resolve to be tidier in your craft areas (another impossible one for me!) Now you'll all be impressed to hear that I've made the same resolution that I've had for a couple of years. Now I can say hand on my heart that I've stuck solidly to this resolution. Mine is not to eat any tripe or cow heel! And yes not one piece has crossed my lips. Oh for you oversees readers Google it for images - you'll see why it was so easy to avoid!

So who won last weeks challenge? The winner of the voucher for £10 at Joanna Sheens is Teri Email me you details with the challenge number in the title and I'll sort your voucher for you.

So this week I'm thrilled to introduce a new sponsor to Totally Gorjuss - drum roll please for Simon Says Stamp!

The winner will receive $10 to spend in store. Oh and trust me when I say their shop is fantastic, you'll be spoilt for choice ;)) I mean there's only 100,000 things to choose from.... So what would we like this week? Well having had one of those weeks (again and its only early in the year!) I thought cuddly! We'd like something cuddly on your entry!

Oh and more news we're joined by a new Guest Gorjussette - please give a TG welcome to Alberto.

So ready for a cuddle-fest?

So there do you feel better for our cyber cuddle? We hope you give us a cyber cuddle back!

Remember that super prize courtesy of Simon Says Stamp

So please remember new work only, no back dating, link to your entry and not your blog. Also please make sure you mention us in your post to qualify. Oh and switching word verification off would be a great help too....

Saturday 8 January 2011

Challenge 62 - its a sketch

Well howdy doody! And a great big Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you've all had a fabulous Christmas and New Year. I trust Santa was good to you? Well he brought me a very unexpected 'present'....pneumonia! I can say for sure THAT wasn't on my list! I almost needed a bank loan at the chemist when I collected my consignment of drugs! The bit which made me laugh, and in turn cough and almost pass out, was the way people moved away from me when I collected my haul! I then thought what a lot of stash it would have got me! Still I'm all better now. I hope none of you had such a 'different' time!

So many thanks to you all you shared your special entries with us - they were fabulous! The RPT almost blew a gasket at the names... still after a bit of prodding he picked Pauline C email me your details and include the challenge number and you'll get your prize.

So whats the first challenge going to be? Well this week its a sketch (easy of course because I did it!) Our sponsor is the super stocked Joanna Sheen the lucky winner will receive a voucher for £10 spend at Joanna's online store.You will be spoilt for choice, its full of everything from crafting essentials, up to date must haves and a super special offer section!

Also this week we new Guest Gorjussettes! I know you'll welcome them and love their work too.

So I've gone on long enough.

Here's the sketch

The inspiration!
So pretty fabulous huh?

We'd love to see what you do with my little sketch, there's that prize too ;)) Remember you have to be in it to win it!

Please new work only, no backdating, link to your entry and not your whole blog. Also remember to link back here to TG - word verification? Just say no! It makes commenting SO
S L O W!

So please use our old friend Mr Linky