Sunday 28 September 2014

Challenge 255 - young boy

Howdy there folks a quick one from exhausted corner!  So thanks to last weeks players - not many babies around huh?

The RPT has done his stuff and he's chosen Marja as our winner - please grab our badge!

This week we'd like to see a card for a young boy - we all have them in our families somewhere!  It can be for any theme you like - birthday, Christmas or what you wish.

As always a spot of inspiration from the Gorjussettes

Super cute huh?

Remember the DT call is still open - add DT after your entry or email.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Challenge 254 - baby!

Yo!  Well today started out sunny.... notice the use of the word started....

Now thanks to our players from last week - as always one winner and as chosen by the RPT is  Myran Please grab our badge and show it off!

This week our theme is Baby - this can be for anything baby related, new, christening, Christmas etc etc!  Easy huh?

So here's a spot of inspiration to get you going

Cute huh?

We'd love to see what you make too.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Challenge 253 - string

Hey who stole a day???  I mean it just like vanished.....

So better late than never here I am!  Thanks to last weeks players - the RPT has chosen Jackie please grab yourself our winners blinkie!

So this week we want some string on your creations - as I'm SO generous I'll accept twine too, how do I do it?

A little inspiration for you

Fab huh?  So don't tie yourself in knots over this one.... I'll get me coat....

Saturday 6 September 2014

Challenge 252 - Bling

Howdy there folks, as I look out my window it seems our extra summer didn't last long... its grey and rainy!

Still thanks to our players from last week - lovely stuff!  The RPT has done his stuff and he's chosen Chrissy as our winner.  Please grab our winners blinkie!

This week we've decided to brighten things up a bit - lets see some bling!  As always we have some inspiration to share with you.

Lovely huh?

So lets see your bling too - and remember the DT call is still ongoing.  If you're interested in joining an easy going fun team please add DT after your entry or email me at