Saturday 30 April 2011

Challenge 78 - 123!

Howdy there - so did you watch The Wedding? I have to say I think Kate looked Gorjuss! A beautiful dress for sure, I wonder if they're in the shops yet? I don't think it'll be long before something very similar is out there. And did you see some of the hats? Oh my word! I'm sure some of them must have nailed them onto their foreheads, how else did they get them to stay on? ;)) For me some of the fun was seeing some of the more wackily dressed folks there. Some of the guests have some dodgy taste and some of them need new stylists for sure lol

Anyway thanks for all of you who got blinged up last week - blingtastic! So the RPT has done his stuff and he's picked Alison Email me your details with the challenge number in the title and I'll sort you out with your prize.

So what's the challenge this week? Well its as easy as 1, 2 3! Well you know me all our challenges are easy. So what does it mean? Well we want 1 of one thing on your card, 2 of another and you've guessed 3 of something else! Like I said easy.... in fact as easy as 1 2 3! This week we're sponsored by Fantastic Ribbon and that what the lucky winner will receive ribbon that's simply fantastic!

Here's some inspiration from the Gorjussettes;

So there you go easy as 1 2 3!

Remember the few rules please - new stuff only, no back linking, link back to us oh and link to your entry and not your blog. Sounds like lots of linking! But made easy by good old Mr Linky!

Friday 22 April 2011

Challenge 77 - Bling it on!

Howdy there folks - isn't this beautiful weather lovely? Me personally loves it - regular visitors will have heard me moan about the cold! However I understand its due to be more April like next week..... boohoo! Still we've had a few nice days and they're already talking about a hosepipe ban! Flipping heck what's happened to all that rain and the snow when it melted? Still lets make the most of it, I mean its more unusual for it to be nice for a bank holiday so I'm not complaining. I'm not a member of the 'its too hot gang'.

So massive thanks to you all again for coming to play last week - you made some fabulous things without designer paper - see who needs it? ........ er well I do.... even if its just for stroking ;)) So the RPT has done his stuff and he's picked Jessica email me your details with the challenge number in the title and I'll sort your prize out for you.

So what's our challenge to you this week? Well bling it on! Its easy we want to see some bling, easy as usual ;)) This week we're sponsored by the fabulous Linnie from Whoopsie Daisy The lucky winner will receive 5 sheets of Linnies lovely designs - how good is that? The Gorjussettes have used some of Linnies designs to show just how fabulous they are. Linnie has also joined in, she's partial to a spot of bling ;))

Kat loved them so much she made two cards!

So there you go - wow huh?

So come on bling it on - we'd love to see how you can bling it.

As always a few rules; new stuff only, no back dating, link back to here and link to your entry and not your whole blog.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Challenge 76 - no patterned paper

Howdy there you fluffy lovers! Well come on 'fess up, who's stolen the sun? We're back to seasonal weather again here. The sweaters and jeans are back out and the t-shirts are back in the wardrobe! Crikey I've just had a thought..... I hope that wasn't summer! Please come back sun, I miss you!

Well after that depressing thought.... onto nicer thoughts, thank you all for your beautiful fluffy entries! The RPT has done his stuff and he's picked Aunty Sue - no relation honest! Email me your details with the challenge number in the title and I'll arrange your prize from Crafters Companion

So what's the challenge this week? Well at first I thought 'Oh this'll be easy......' This week is 'no patterned paper' ......... Yipes!

Once again we're kindly sponsored by Simon says Stamp The lucky winner will receive a $10 spend in their fabulous online store! They do stock everything you could want.... and things you didn't know you wanted too!

As usual the DT have come up trumps, it must just have been me scratching my head! Oh spot the new Guest Gorjussettes too ;))

So there you go..... easy! Well the Gorjussettes make it look that way don't they? So what are you waiting for? Remember to step away from the patterned paper! Our usual simple rules apply - new stuff only, no back dating, link to your entry and not your whole blog and please link back here too.

So what are you waiting for?

Saturday 9 April 2011

Challenge 75 - Fluffy!

Wayhey! What a super day we've had, sunny, warm good company in the main part.... then we played golf.... well when I said played.... lets just say we walked round and hit a golf ball in what seemed like a few random directions. Oh and those directions weren't necessarily the right ones either! Still a couple of drinks and laughs later, well having played such garbage laughter was the best solution! Still I'll not doubt do it all again!

Now I'd like to thank everyone who applied to be Guest Gorjussettes - at last the new Guest Gorjussettes are here! Please welcome Bettina, Gaelle, Marianne, Sharon and Sue.

So thanks to you all who came to play last week, there were some super entries. I've done the RPT and he's picked Jayne Email me your details and I'll sort your prize out for you.

So this week's challenge is fluffy! Now what does that mean? Well it can be anything fluffy. This weeks sponsor is Crafters Companion. The lucky winner will receive a £10 voucher for a treat in their fabulous online store! As always the Gorjussettes have made some super inspiration.

So there you go aren't they super?

Please remember our few simple rules, new stuff only, no back dating, link to your entry and link back to here.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Challenge 74 - Its a sketch

Well howdy there! Well its certainly been very very spring like! Wow to all of you who came to play! We've even had a bit of sun too which is definitely a step in the right direction for me. I hope it continues in the same vein for the next few months;))

Well the poor old RPT was really shocked as I heaped in name after name, I have to say he got a little bit tetchy but a wave of a sharpened pokey tool bucked his ideas up. So the lucky winner once he got his act together is Nanaseaside Email me your details with th challenge number and I'll sort you your Handy Hippo goodies out.

So this week its another easy challenge, I'm blonde remember ;)) its a sketch! Once again we're sponsored by the fabulous Joanna Sheen She has more stuff than you ever knew you needed! The lucky winner will get £10 to spend in her on line store and its free p and p!

So I know you're keen to start....

The Sketch

Like I said easy, and the inspiration from the Gorjussettes;

So there you go - fabby huh?

So the usual rules; new stuff only, no back dating, link to your entry and link to this challenge as well.

Please use good old Mr Linky