Saturday 25 October 2014

Challenge 259 - Congratulations!

Howdy there a quick visit from me as I've been here, there and everywhere and still have places to go!

Last weeks winner as chosen by the RPT is Mary - well done grab the blinkie!

This week we're in a congratulations mood!  So lets see your creations that holler congratulations!

Saturday 18 October 2014

Challenge 258 - show a feather!

Howdy there folks, what a mix of weather!  Torrential rain for 48 hours solid, honestly I was starting to get webbed feet, then it was windy... and today I'm in a T-shirt and short sleeved cardigan.  I have to say I prefer todays outfit over sou'wester and galoshes!

Thanks to our players from last week, some more ideas stolen  inspiration for my Christmas cards ;)

So the winner as chosen by the RPT is Darcy please grab yourself our winners blink Darcy.

So this week we'd like you to show a feather!  So it can be in any way you can from birds to a single feather.

The Gorjussettes have some inspiration to share;

So did those tickle your fancy?  We'd love to see your feathery creations too.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Challenge 257 - Traditional Christmas colours

Well howdy there folks, late again!  In my defence we've just arrived back from holiday and I was super pooped.

Thanks to last weeks players and the winner is Karen please grab yourself the winners badge.

So this week we're thinking Christmas,  I believe there will be one this year.... and its good to get ahead!

So a nice easy start - lets see some traditional christmas colours!

A little inspiration....

Super cute huh?

Saturday 4 October 2014

Challenge 256 - Sympathy

Quick visit - at least earlier than I have been!

Thanks to our players from last week - the winner and blinkie getter is Andrea - this week we have another challenging theme for you.  This week its sympathy or if you prefer sorry.  A card often needed but not one we always enjoy making.

A little inspiration for you;

So there you go - we'd love to see your makes too - remember our DT call.