Saturday 25 June 2011

Challenge 86 - ribbons and lace

Howdy there folks. Have you had a good week? A very busy one here - no change there then. ore news on the weather front.... I think we've gone into the monsoon season! Well if the sound of the rain hammering onto the conservatory roof is anything to go by. One of the kitties wanted to go out.... at the third time of trying he finally went for it.... ran 3 yards to get under the car! Silly boy, he'll no doubt be in soon soaking wet. Oh and don't tell anyone but I've had the heating on!

Well thanks to you all who played last week, beautiful as always. I've cranked up the RPT and he's picked Fabiola email me your details with the challenge number and I'll sort you out your prize.

So whats the challenge this week? Well if you read the title of the post you'll already know but please humour me folks. This week its ribbons and lace! Yay! And rather appropriately we're sponsored by Fantastic Ribbons Check out their website - they have some amazing ribbon!

So would you like to see the inspiration?

check out Heikes blog for the rest of this lovely book

So wow huh?

So we'd love to see what you do, remember the rules please; new stuff only, no back dating, link back to here and link directly to your entry. Remember (as if you'd need an incentive) there's ribbons up for grabs!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Challenge 85 - Pearls and swirls

Howdy there peeps! Are you being subject to peculiar weather too? I know I moan about the weather but.... sun, rain, cloud, wind, more cold, more cloud, torrential downpour! Its just so flipping weird. I mean we aren't too far away from the longest day! Isn't supposed to be just a teeny weeny bit sunny? Oh and the cherry on the cake was when it was announced that some parts are officially in a drought! My buddy who lives on t'other side of the Pennines from me howled with laughter, every time we speak its raining at her end. Hope its gets sunny for you soon Gez.

So enough about the weather yes? Mahoosive thanks to all you flowery folks who came to play last week! Some stunning creations - thank you so much for playing along with us. So the Random Picky Thing almost blew a gasket when I heaved all those names in, he gamely chugged along and picked Becca Email me your details with the challenge number in the title and I'll arrange your Crafters Companion prize.

So whats the challenge this week? Easy one (as always) We'd like some pearls and swirls on your entry - I picked it because it rhymes! Oh and they're both pretty ;)) This week our kind sponsor is the superbly stocked Simon Says Stamp

Its a one stop shop for all your crafting wants, oh and things you didn't know you wanted till you saw them! The lucky winner gets $10 to spend ;))

So what have the Gorjussettes made of my rhyme? Well fantastic things as always!

So there you go - fabulous I'm sure you'll agree? I love how the Gorjussettes have used pearls and swirls in so many different ways - they are a clever lot you know. I know they'd love a bit of lurve from you on their blogs ;))

So as usual please abide by our simple rules - new stuff only, no backdating, link to here, and link directly to your entry and not your whole blog. Phew! Oh remember the prize too ;)) $10 at Simon Says Stamp!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Challenge 84 - flower power!

Howdy there peeps - oh my this weather! I'm thinking I've got the answer to it though. This came to me the other day.... I left the house in a t-shirt, I came back freezing cold and had to run down the drive as the heavens burst! It suddenly came to me that its April! So if that's the case I have good news because we go on holiday in May! Which is fantastic news.... however looking at the paper it clearly says it isn't. I've got my fingers crossed though that the weather perks up a bit soon. I've got some lovely new shorts I'd like to wear! And on that scary thought I'll stop ;))

So thanks to those of you who came to play with my sketch last week - its lovely to see how you all interpret it. So the RPT has done his stuff and the winner of that fabulous Joanna Sheen £10 voucher is Kami Email me your details with the challenge number in the title.

So what's this weeks challenge? Well seeing as its 'summer' (in my dreams only) I thought that flowers would be lovely, well we can at least imagine can't we? So get your flowers out and lets see them! Now it can be flowers, flowery paper any flowers. This week our sponsor is Crafters Companion the winner will receive £10 to spend in their online store - have you seen those adorable Humphrey stamps? They are so cute!

As usual the Gorjussettes simply blossomed!

So there you go - aren't they just flowery-licious? So come on get your flowers out!

Our usual easy rules apply - new stuff only, no back dating, link to the entry, link back to here.

Friday 3 June 2011

Challenge 83 - its a sketch!

Well howdy there folks - well summer came back! Woohoo! I hope it stays here for ages and ages! I mean I got a lovely tan while I was on holiday and I'd like to keep it ;)) So are you in my sun loving camp or do you prefer the more chillier cooler climes? As I'm sure you've guessed I've got both feet in the sunshine all day camp!

Well thanks so much to you who came to play last week. It was good to see that it didn't tie you up in knots, I did make a card..... its on my blog and I forgot to put it on here - I know I'm a blonde remember.

So who was last weeks lucky winner as picked by the Random Picky Thing? Well he pulled out the string which had Esme's name on it. Email me your details Esme with the challenge number in the title and I'll send you those stamps.

So its that time of the month which means its a sketch! Once more we're sponsored by the lovely Joanna Sheen The lucky winner will receive £10 to spend in Joanna's fabulous on line store. I've been tipped the wink that she's got some fantastic new stock in, and we all know how super her service is.

So here's the sketch, nice and easy of course ;))

And here's the inspiration from the Gorjussettes;

So there you go - aren't they just fabulous? It would also be fabulous if you could maybe drop by and leave the Gorjussettes a bit of lurve too.

So remember that lovely prize? To have a chance please follow these simple rules. make something (of course), link to your entry in Mr Linky, new stuff only, no back dating and please link back to here. See easy!